Monday, December 13, 2010

The Orange

Recently I viewed the latest installment of Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Strangely enough, the scene that hit me hardest was when (in concise summary) a punk kid who didn't want to be aboard the ship stole an orange, and was caught. That very orange was given to a daughter of a man who was in search of his wife who had disappeared. The girl sneaked onto the ship in concern and love for her father, and upon being discovered was given the orange. The crew accepted her along for the journey, and the orange symbolized the warm reception.

The orange...
  • Blood oranges are used as a symbol of the death of Jesus.
  • In some European countries, a "Christingle" is a Christmas decoration using an orange and a candle to symbolize Christ's love for the world.
  • In cold countries, an orange represents a warm tropical treat during the coldest winter months.
  • Known for its vitamin C and blood-protecting antioxidants, it is healthier to eat a whole orange than to take a vitamin supplement by far.

So for Christmas, all I really want, is an orange! I want to be healthier. I want to be thoughtful of Christ. I want to be grateful for all that I already have. I want others to be better off for knowing the whole me, and not just part of me. I want all of my ingredients to be helpful to others.

I love the following story:
Sometimes it is easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas. The busy traditions of the season and the appealing advertisements for material goods can leave the pure and simple truths far, far behind.

Jake was nine years old with tousled brown hair with blue eyes as bright as a heavenly angel. For as long as Jake could remember he had lived within the walls of a poor orphanage. He was just one of ten children supported by what meager contributions the orphan home could obtain in a continuous struggle seeking donations from townsfolk.

There was very little to eat, but at Christmas time there always seemed to be a little more than usual to eat, the orphanage seemed a little warmer, and it was time for a little holiday enjoyment. But more than this, there was the Christmas orange!

Christmas was the only time of year that such a rare treat was provided and it was treasured by each child like no other food admiring it, feeling it, prizing it and slowly enjoying each juicy section. Truly, it was the light of each orphan's Christmas and their best gift of the season. How joyful would be the moment when Jake received his orange!

Unknown to him, Jake had somehow managed to track a small amount of mud on his shoes through the front door of the orphanage, muddying the new carpet. He hadn't even noticed. Now it was too late and there was nothing he could do to avoid punishment. The punishment was swift and unrelenting. Jake would not be allowed his Christmas orange! It was the only gift he would receive from the harsh world he lived in, yet after a year of waiting for his Christmas orange, is was to be denied him.

Tearfully, Jake pleaded that he be forgiven and promised never to track mud into the orphanage again, but to no avail. He felt hopeless and totally rejected. Jake cried into his pillow all that night and spent Christmas Day feeling empty and alone. He felt that the other children didn't want to be with a boy who had been punished with such a cruel punishment. Perhaps they feared he would ruin their only day of happiness. Maybe, he reasoned, the gulf between him and his friends existed because they feared he would ask for a little of their oranges. Jake spent the day upstairs, alone, in the unheated dormitory. Huddled under his only blanket, he read about a family marooned on an island. Jake wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life on an isolated island, if he could only have a real family that cared about him.

Bedtime came, and worst of all, Jake couldn't sleep. How could he say his prayers? How could there be a God in Heaven that would allow a little soul such as his, to suffer so much all by himself? Silently, he sobbed for the future of mankind that God might end the suffering in the world, both for himself and all others like him.

As he climbed back into bed from the cold, hard floor, a soft hand touched Jake's shoulder, startling him momentarily and an object was silently placed in his hands. The giver disappeared into the darkness, leaving Jake with what, he did not immediately know!

Looking closely at it in the dim light, he saw that it looked like an orange! Not a regular orange, smooth and shiny, but a special orange, very special. Inside a patched together peal were the segments of nine other oranges, making one whole orange for Jake! The nine other children in the orphanage had each donated one segment of their own precious oranges to make a whole orange as a gift for Jake.

Sharing what we truly value is the true spirit of Christmas. Our Heavenly Father gave us His beloved Son. May we, like the children in the orphanage, find ways to share His love with others less blessed.

An orange is a symbol of discipleship. I recently stumbled onto this quote, and its suitable to be my motto as I move forward!

I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The dye has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.
I won't look back, let up, slow down, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure.
I'm finished and done with low living, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving,and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pro-eminence, positions, promotions, plaudits,or popularity.
I don't have to be right, first, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded.
I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk with patience, am uplifted by prayer, and labor with power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven.
My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear.
I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, divided, or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid up for the cause of Christ.
I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me.
And when He returns for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me.

My banner will be clear.

Have a Merry Orange Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Great Will Be Your Joy

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;
Genibau Ward Baptismal Font until 2011
No other pool has had the effect the one pictured above did on my life! This is the baptismal font from the first area of my LDS mission to Fortaleza, Brazil. 

Here's my words of advice to any men or women who are considering serving an LDS mission.

I can only speak from my own experiences of missionary work, but I did give it my all and for that reason I loved it and was successful. Its clear that as the world continues to turn more and more sour towards the good, the Lord needs more and more qualified representatives (young and old, male and female) to preach the plan of peace. I hope all who consider going will make a serious effort to go; you'll NEVER regret it!

Whether a potential Elder or potential Sister missionary, or just someone who loves the Lord, seriously consider it. For me, it was the greatest two years I could have ever had. I miss it: the people, the smiles, the tears, the country, the food, the heat, all of it, EVERY DAY.

Its important to note that we are all missionaries in a way, by example and action; but the best way to serve is to be a called servant of the Lord.

Through dedication and following the spirit, I witnessed miracle after miracle that I still find myself dwelling on now, years later. I was fortunate enough to pick up a second language, which has opened doors for me since. Looking back, its impossible to find a single reason why it would have made sense to stay behind. I think for those who actually make it through the whole 18 to 24 months, they never live regretting having gone; yet those who don't go will always question, "What if?" So my first advice is to JUST GO! Nothing in life is more important than teaching people about Jesus Christ.

The great thing is that ANYONE (yes, YOU) can do that, if you'll live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and develop a desire to serve through prayer. I challenge anyone who has the bleakest consideration to go on a mission to SERIOUSLY consider it. Yes, you women, not just 19-21 year olds, but all of you! I have various female friends who served as Sisters and they're so grateful they did go on a mission, after questioning previously. GO!!!

To those who are close to making it there, the following is my advice to you:

Dear Elder/Sister!
The moment you've dreamed of is right around the corner! From my experience I've come up with three important principles to getting the most production out of you mission:
Focus, innovation and productivity! All are attributes of a great fisherman, a metaphor that should be applied daily in your work!

Focus: Keeping your line in the water refers to Jesus’ admonition to Peter and the disciples that he would make them “fishers of men.” You have been called to do the same. The most successful fisherman does three things: He has his line in the water ALL the time; He finds new ways to catch those fish; and then he finds other productive "lines" to catch fish at a faster rate.

Refer to D&C 4. Keeping your line in the water all the time means staying focused on the task of “catching fish”. You must use every Nano-second of time, The Lord’s Time, in finding His Elect. Your Heart must always reflect your desire to catch fish. Your Might is your Willingness to do what the Lord wants you to do, this requires full humility. Your Mind, in my opinion is the most important concept of missionary service.
The sooner you stop thinking about song lyrics, home, friends, relationships, what you’ll do on Preparation-day and other distractions, and start putting prayer, scriptures, strategy about investigators, and other God-like thoughts into your mind, the more successful and able you’ll be as a missionary to the people all who surround you.

Your Strength is your physical ability given to you by the Lord to do his work. He will stretch that ability further than you can ever imagine!

Innovation and Productivity: They're in Alma 26:21-22 and 1 Ne 18:2-4. Let the Lord teach you, and don’t live by logic of Man, but by His logic! The Lord will open your mind to these innovations. His thoughts are not our thoughts, unless we yield to His will.

Learn to put more than one line in the water. Replicate! Using other lines like referrals, and doubling your work through splits and exchanges with members, whose trust you must gain and maintain. I cannot overemphasize the power of prayer and fasting.

Pray always and you will never faint in your preparedness to know exactly what you must say in that very moment that you need it. I promise you that!

Prayer will give you confidence even in the gloomiest moments. It will help you combat the adversary’s tool of discouragement. Prayer is the alignment of your will with His Will, and a declaration of your Righteous Desires to His. As He sees that your desires are His desires, He will open new flood-gates of knowledge and blessings to you and lift clouds of spiritual fog from areas you serve in. 

Fast often! This shows the Lord your willingness to sacrifice your desires for His. Don’t forget how important it is to Live what you Pray!

BE SPECIFIC! Pray for each investigator, their house, their work, their difficulties, be mindful of their potential tripping-stones, and view with an eye of faith their potential and ask God to help them achieve it. Pray for members, wards, areas and their progression. Pray for those you lead, and pray for your leaders, all by name. Your specification shows the Lord your dedication to those desires. 

Overall, the Lord loves you. He will find favor in you, as He did in Joseph in Egypt, one of my greatest heroes. Pray for the gift of discernment early, that you might have the ability to look people in the eyes and know of their potential, their desires, and their difficulties. Pray for all the gifts of the Spirit and equally important, pray for the attributes of Christ that they might recognize you as His servant.

The first step might seem scary, but don't worry at all. You’ll do a great work. You’ll be an advocate of your mission president and mission rules and obedience will and already are second nature to you. Waking up at 6:30 is a small sacrifice to see even one extra soul come unto Christ.

My mission made me into a dreamer, a Visionary, which has blessed me a million times over since. I began my mission in the area of the ward that had to split, so the stake could split, so the mission could split, so there could be justification for a new temple to be built. At the time, I had no idea what the Lord had in store for the people of Fortaleza. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I was able to see how the hard work of our mission will bless millions of people. The Fortaleza Brazil mission has split twice since I've been back and the Fortaleza Brazil Temple was announced after I came home. That murky pool pictured above has been replaced with a beautiful chapel. I was fortunate to see both the ward and stake divided while I was still in the mission. A handful of those I taught have served missions since, some have been sealed in the temple, many have been called to leadership, including a Bishop (pictured below with his family). Surely, the Lord would have accomplished His work through someone else, but I feel fortunate to have been prepared, willing and worthy to be His servant to fulfill His work. 

Those ripple effects are what will form your unshakeable foundation for the rest of your life. The mission is a unique crucible the mold the best you that the Lord can mold. It is the nearest you'll ever feel to Jesus Christ in your life to this point.
Rendering of the Fortaleza Brazil Temple (Under Construction)

Isn't it going to be GORGEOUS?!!!

"Bishop" Ediva Freitas, his wife Lena and Clarinha (daughter)
I love The Work. My eyes tear up as I declare my love for missionary service. It is the best life there is. It will stretch you. I know that Christ is the Head of the work you are enlisted in. He is your Boss, and He has prepared your way. He IS Your Way. Continue to grow in Christ and you’ll be the best missionary in the world. Live that gospel you teach, study it deeply and love it. I’ll continue to pray for all the success for the Lord's missionaries. Pray for those at home last, as there are more important things for you to exert your prayers about, but do pray for those you love back home, lastly. Carry your family’s names with honor! Do your best, work hard, and DO IT FOR CHRIST!

Faithfully step onto this ocean of blessings just waiting to shower over you. You'll truly learn to walk above the ways of the world, and walk along His side as His representative!
"And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the Kingdom of my Father!
And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"