Monday, July 25, 2011


Citygro, a dreamed Utopia where entrepreneurs are given ways to connect with their consumers, and the economy grows.  I'm blessed, happy to see that all that hard work in the winter trying to make a company is starting to pay off, and excited to see where the next year takes us. Anyway, enough journal ish, lets get to the meat! Supports, crutches, and props... spiritually speaking.

At Jimmer's Shooting Camp, Dan Clark (author of Chicken Soup series) spoke to the camp about Rising to the occasion like Jimmer always would. He's an incredible speaker. The whole 45 minutes he talked my head was spinning! I wish I had recorded it, but all I had was my phone, so I noted as much as I could. The quote that struck me hardest was:

"Before we can expect Support from 'someone else', we must first give it to 'someone else'. Support is the magic that allows us to make the most of any occasion."

The rest of the week I looked at the word "support" from every possible angle, trying to better understand its MAGIC. Early Sunday morning (after an incredible weekend with my mom, dad, sister and friends), pondering my lesson, "support" continued to weigh on my mind. I came up with the following:

"A Crutch can strengthen in time of need but will weaken if misused. Yet a Support rectifies growth, accelerates arrival and produces power"

The Spirit is our everlasting Support for progression in all things. Bad habits and weaknesses are Crutches we return to when we lose our ability to stand on our own. There certainly are times we might need a crutch, but then again, isn't a crutch only necessary AFTER an "injury"? Most, if not all such, "injuries" come from lack of caution, or preparation. In Thor (great movie...) King Odin says "A wise king never makes war, but he must always be prepared for it." If one takes a corner too fast or comes too close to the edge, inevidibly there will be a fall. Falls are when injuries are incurred.
Its important for us to understand, we all have weaknesses. I used to arrogantly say I didn't need ankle support. Then I learned the hard way by spraining both ankles. Now I'm conscious of what kind of ankle support is necessary to prevent injury. In the book "Weakness is not Sin" by Wendy Ulrich it defines Weakness as a port to Strength if used faithfully in correct perspective; and also as a slide into Sin if feared, ashamed or ignored. It's all based on our choices. "This mortal form grows weak. I require sustenance!" - Thor (who overlooked his source of power and had to depend on others to regain it)

Once healthy (speaking physically or spiritually), we can move forward into building strength on that weakness. Why not take it further and be excellent in whatever endeavor you might be involved in? How do we get there? Support! We start with our set of weaknesses. If we make the wrong choice, a crutch is necessary to nurse us back to health. "Support is THAT magic that allows us to make the most of any occasion. Knowing that we need "supports" to make the most of any occasion requires humility. Humility (something I hope to gain someday) requires 7 P's according to the book: ponder, prioritize, pace, Prop Up, patience, and prayer. Propping up requires a realization that Support is necessary to achieve our goals. We can't do it alone. No shame in that, its part of life! Click here to read the whole schpill from the book.

To begin the summer, I had no idea where to take my company GIVE. I started to realize that with school, ect, I needed to piggy back on the support of a bigger company. I found Bluecache and a great friend in Jeff Sorenson! We have the exact same vision, but they were a couple years ahead of me. I joined up with them and together we're driving a potent new force: CityGro. The Power of Support!


To hit the point home, here's a line from one of my new favorite flicks Captain America:
Steven Rogers, in his measly yet courageous frame inquires "Why me?" to Dr Erskine before his operation to become Captain America. His wise reply says it all:
"Because a weak man knows the value of strength; knows the value of power."

He also says,"Whatever happens, stay who you are. Not just a soldier, but a good man."

Strength comes from conquering weakness, and only grace attained in humility can maintain that force!

Paul understood this well:

“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." (2 Cor 12:9-10)

I know that Christ's support is always there for us if we will humble ourselves. He is my Prop.
That is what grace is. Grace is that "magic" support that allows us to "Rise Up" and make the most of every occasion in life. For that Support as well as the wonderful props I have in my family and friendship circle, I'm grateful!
"Find the 'Why' in life and the 'How' becomes pretty easy" - Dan Clark

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spiders or Tortuga

MAHALO JJ AND RACHEL!!! Had a great "Vacation" to Maui and their wedding!

Well, I finally have an older brother! While I was in Hawaii for the wedding, I noticed some pretty amazing things, however simple. Of course I love deriving lessons from this stuff so here we go: Two animals that got me thinking: Spiders and Turtles. The contrast between the two is obvious, but on a spiritual sense, we should strive to be more like turtles.

Spiders: Creepy, crawly, recluse, camouflaged by its surroundings, using deceit to retrieve success, poisonous, despised, over-reactive, cold-blooded, scary, infesting, villainous just to name a few of the ideas that come to mind about the spider. Their success if everyone else's failure. They feast on the weak, and hide from the strong. They are carried in the wind to a residence,
then set up their traps, and sit idly waiting for their next victim.

Turtles: Majestic, dedicated, shielded, intelligent, intuitive, navigated, tested, unchanging, patient, friendly. Turtles can support nearly 200 times their own body weight in pressure. From birth, they are targets of predative creatures, but with maturity, they find safety in being close to their family, using their shell, and navigating with a magnetic detection system. They use all their senses to their advantage, and help transport other animals along the way. Among the sharpest of their senses is that of vision, with which they communicate through visual signals and actions. They have a structured daily routine. They are sensitive to subtle vibrations, bright lights, and noise. Turtles are confident when alone, but thrive in a group setting.

Hopefully you see where I'm going with this. We, as children of God, have great "majestic" potential. We are to let our light shine for others to be strengthened along the way. There is no glory in putting others down, or hiding ourselves completely in darkness. Look at the above mentioned traits of a spider. They sound criminal. Hiding in dark alleyways awaiting their next underdog to prey on.
Or there's the turtle, who uses all of its strengths to offset its weaknesses. It withstands pressure, uses imagination, has structure, and is a vehicle to others in its surrounding.

"Together, there is nothing your minds cannot accomplish. Help each other, draw upon one another, and always remember the power that binds you." - Master Splinter (Ninja Turtles)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


February, one of two months in the year that makes single people cringe at the thought of being single. To be honest, I'm chill about it, but while this term "LOVE" gets thrown around over the next couple weeks, I thought I'd make my best effort in describing what it means to me.
For starters, my sister Rachel sent this to me today, and I liked it

“Opposition turns up almost anyplace something good has happened. It can happen when you are trying to get an education. It can hit you after your first month in your new mission field. It certainly happens in matters of love and marriage. … There are cautions and considerations to make, but once there has been genuine illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don’t give up when the pressure mounts. … Face your doubts. Master your fears. ‘Cast not away therefore your confidence.’ Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you." -- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Sometimes we let our mind cripple something that could be potentially wonderful. If we overthink, we're going to overdo. I guess the same goes for underthinking. Either way, LOVE is made by learning to make it through those doldrums, as long as both people are living correctly!

In my portuguese class, we have to compare a couple of love ballads. One is by Camões titled "Love is a fire that burns unseen". The other is Paul's epistle to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. I'll make my best effort at interpreting:
Amor é um fogo que arde sem se ver

Love is a fire that burns unseen
It is a wound that hurts, yet goes unfelt
It is a discontent contentment
It is pain that rages without hurting

It is not wanting what is much wanted
It is walking alone among many
It is never happy with just being happy
It is an idea that wins in losing itself

It is wanting to be held captive with your will
It is serving who wins, the winner
It is being with them who kill, in loyalty

But how its causes can hold favor
In the hearts of mankind's friendship
If exactly the opposite is the same LOVE

In comparison my interpretation of Paul's words are as follows:

No matter how strong my words might be, if I don't have a perfect LOVE, my words
have lost their power
And having the gift of prophecy, understanding all mystery and having all knowledge, and even having enough faith to move mountains, without a perfect LOVE, I am nothing
Even though I give to the poor and would sacrifice my own body to be burned, without perfect LOVE, it doesn't help me at all
A perfect LOVE suffers an infinite amount of patience, it is ever kind; perfect LOVE doesn't envy; perfect LOVE doesn't brace or lift itself up, and is not self absorbed
It doesn't violate its good standards, doesn't look out for itself, is calm in the face of anger, and has wiped its mind of all evil
It cannot rejoice in iniquity, instead rejoices in truth
It is ever-bearing, trusting, hopeful, and enduring in all things

Perfect LOVE never ends: in contrast there are prophecies that are fulfilled, tongues that finish, and memories fade.
Because we know partially, and we prophesy partially
But when perfection arrives, the individual pieces are insignificant
When I was a child, I spoke, understood, and thought as a child; as a man I put away childish things
Right now peering through a mysterious mirror; face to face; now I know in part, but then I know even as I am known.
Now remain faith, hope, and perfect LOVE, these three; the greatest of these being that perfect LOVE!

Paul's rendition is obviously a bit more inspiring, but Camões isn't too far off of my feelings at times. Many have tried to define LOVE in so many ways.

How do you show LOVE? Physically? In action? In word? In service? In example? In consent?

When it all comes down to it, there's two perfect descriptions shown by Our Savior:


He really is the example of perfect LOVE, and if we follow him, no matter how cliché it might sound, we'll be on track to developing and enjoying this LOVE.

And you really thought I was going to blog about dating? Pshhh, that's a LOVE I just don't comprehend, but hopefully will soon! All I know is that for some reason when you want it, she runs. When you don't want it, she finds you. When you're ready, she's not. When she's ready, you're scared. That's the gist on my experience with LOVE, ha!
But there's a deep sense in me that there's something beautiful ahead...
I love the temple, and I love the hope it gives me. The temple is all about LOVE: God's Love for us, Our LOVE to our family, and our everlasting LOVE to an eternal companion. That is the LOVE that transcends all romantics! It'll come in due time, I'll be ready so she can recognize me and I can recognize her!

Here's Angels and Airwaves' latest attempt

Some Origins of Fire (ending)
So heres my heart

It's only the cycle
It's deafening though
This age old recital is king of all sounds
There is no release, free, we are silently numb
A sole, lonely wave with the weight that's yet to come