Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hills and Valleys

SUMMER!!! I really can't get enough of it!

Spring semester is coming to a close, helping with BYU's Basketball camps has me busy, but not too busy to have some fun along the way. ENTER WORLD CUP!!! I loved watching the USA draw with England, as well as Brazil playing with the North Korean's defensive attack. Where have I been my whole life??? I love this!!!

Along with that, mini-golf has taken over my life. What a sweet game!!! I find myself migrating north
to take advantage of new scenes. GREAT sushi place in downtown Salt Lake, Shogun... great food... AFTER some putt putt...!

Its clear to me that I'm certainly more interested in the World Cup than the NBA Finals. I'm sick of the Lakers vs. Celtics jabber. I hope it goes to seven games then both teams lose. Props to the Jazz's new logo for integrating both the Celtics and Laker's colors into their new logo... or maybe they're feeling the Brazilian flavor?!

There's nothing like the temple, nothing like the Gospel, and certainly nothing like the Book of Mormon. What a great advantage I have as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ to be able to go to the House of the Lord, and counsel with the Lord about big decisions coming up in life. Currently I'm leaning toward bouncing to Louisville, Kentucky to sell pest control for a month and a half. I know, I know, I just barely said in my previous post how much I love being home, and despised selling, but the great thing about selling pest with my friend Ben is that I actually get both a summer home, and a summer working! It'll be nice to get some extra cash, and I think its definitely necessary for me to take the opportunity that has presented itself. On top of that, I'll still be in Utah for Independence Day and Pioneer Day --which
to me IS summer.

Among other things, a goal of mine for summer has been to remaster my piano skills. Last night I spent a couple of hours figuring out two Rocket Summer songs: Of Men and Angels, and Hills and Valleys. That guy has some special talent! I really actually enjoy playing the piano. I wish I had taken it more seriously when I had parents to pay for lessons and time to practice daily.

Back to the Book of Mormon. I'm restarting, so I just read I Nephi 1, probably for the millionth time. The final verse in the chapter never ceases to touch me: "...I will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their fath, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." Great promise. If we have faith, and follow Him, he will bless us in abundance with his mercies and we are delivered from our trials and weaknesses!

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