I feel like this is a summer I'm learning more about myself than ever. Previously, summer was a time to just make money or vacation time. This year its been a time to meditate and build up my spiritual battery, doing my best physically, expanding myself socially, and figuring out my career interests. So far its been a great summer.
The summer started with my dad and I starting up our own Surveillance and Security Monitoring business, KRS Security. Its been an adventure getting our name out there. Our clientel has grown and we seem to be rolling.
It was nice being home so often so I could see Sean before he left on his mission to Washington DC South. He's as ready to serve as anyone I've ever seen. His farewell talk was outstanding! It was clear he was prepared, and he had complete command of the congregation. The Spirit was as potent as I've ever felt it during a discourse.
This was my first Mother's Day home since my senior year of high school in 2005! Same story with my mom's birthday. Its been great being home instead of out selling security systems door-to-door. I truly feel more at peace with myself going to school and preparing myself for a real career. I don't regret going out the last two years. I see them as a journey across the USA where I learned a lot about business and sales, as well as myself, my limits, integrity, friendship, and just how much I need to be at the top of my game to be successful in life. Regardless its been great to be home in Utah weather and having my family and friends so close by.
A typical Utah summer is full of vacations and fun summer activities. I totally forgot about that side of things, but some classmates at BYU reopened my mind to it. Flag football, late night basketball, hot tubbing, softball, and the highlight thus far has been a trip to Zion National Park. It was nice to catch up with some old friends as well as meeting a new crew. Angel's Landing is a great view for anyone who needs a killer great hiking place.
My summer is full of personal goals. Somehow, I believe I'll be more financially stable than ever after this summer. I also see myself at the top of my game spiritually. I want to visit every temple in Utah this summer, and hopefully stop by a few outside as well. Physically, I've been consistently hitting the gym and I hope to be in the best shape of my life by summer's end.
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