Monday, January 1, 2001

Wendy Ulrich's Prop Up Stanza

"When we are truly humbled, we know we can do so little by ourselves. Just fixing myself a piece of toast means I must depend on many other people who plant, grow, harvest, sort, clean, package, prepare, bake, transport, and market the bread I will eat. That doesn't even get into the number of people it takes to produce the toaster oven with all its components or the electricity to run it. A simple piece of toast probably reflects the work of thousands of people, all helping me get breakfast. It also reflects the bounteous goodness and blessings of a loving Father in Heaven who provides us all with sun and air and life.

Fixing ourselves is at least as complicated as fixing toast. We need people to teach us, encourage us, support us, and model for us. Humility means we acknowledge this interdependence. We listen to people who know what we do not. We read and study their research and experience. We let others show us how and appreciatively accept their tutoring. We watch their example and actively try to learn from it. We invite their encouraging words and supportive actions. And we gladly provide all of these things for others. People who help and teach us, PROP UP our efforts to change and grow.

Even more than we need others, we need God to sustain, befriend, and direct us. Without the gifts of the Holy Ghost and the grace made available through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, our efforts to grow and change will always fall woefully and utterly short. No matter how much we try, learn or improve, we will never be like God without the application of His grace to our lives.

I addition to God and other people, we also prop up ourselves with plans and goals, calendars and budgets, rewards and reminders, study and seeking. Whether learning to write, teach, eat healthy, be less critical, or enjoy the temple, I benefit from many props: the help of many capable people, my own careful plans and goals." - Wendy Ulrich

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